What a month it has been and thank you to all of you that have supported us either through words of encouragement, a visit to our facility or a purchase of the Tourbillon 1.

On July 30th 2021 I wrote this forum post updating you all on the status of Tourbillon 1. The post outlined how pleased we where despite the the many ups and downs this project has incurred amidst a global pandemic and additionally I asked for your blessing to extend the order timeline by a month. At that time we had just over 100 Tourbillon 1 supporters and although we were far off our projection we were thrilled with everyone’s support . The response from all was overwhelming positive in favour of a time extension and I would like to recap this last month and update you as to where things are at today.
I have and all of us at Horage have learned a lot from this extra time provided and more so we realize the importance of providing space to our community. In the past month with the space you have provided us we have been able to do all but one event which has helped our retailers and has enabled us to mix in a few more surprises we hadn't planned or anticipated.
One such surprise was the Tourbillon $1 that came to light as well as some media exposure that include Watchfinder, Scottish Watches, Iso Chrono, Monochrome Watches, EuropaStar, Deployant, amongst others giving some important last chance exposure to the Tourbillon 1 and Tourbillon $1.
The Tourbillon $1 started as an idea in early August to see how we could say thank you to the Horage community and help give back to watchmaking and support a new generation of watchmakers in way of donation. We had no idea how well received this would be but it shocked us as media helped spread the word and today we are nearing 1000 participants. This mixed in with the elaborate back story on Tourbillon 1 told by Watchfinder presented Horage to a new group of enthusiasts that we simply couldn’t estimate for.
Based on the above, the extra time has allowed for some additional exposure and we have been able to connect with and have met with so many more either in person, on email or over video calls. For most, a tourbillon is not a snap decision purchase as it is still quite costly and it’s only fair to allow someone a few weeks of consideration and support. Tourbillon’s aside our 12+ year history as a company and 20+ history in the industry is a lot for a new person discovering us and again time is needed and ultimately the goal should be that they enjoy that time.
After all, time is the most valuable asset we all have.
Nearly 200 Tourbillons
Having that extra time was important so thank you again for encouraging an extension of August 1st to September 1st. It has also helped us come within our base goal of 200 pieces which at the time of writing this we are nearly at.
200 is an important number as it enables us to recoup the additional costs we incurred when taking on the entirety of the tourbillon development and more importantly there are a few more happy supporters that have had a chance to get the most accessible Swiss Made titanium flying Tourbillon ever made.

Photo by Kevin Lo @the_vintage_guy on Instagram
There are still a few Horage enthusiasts waiting and one event still left to check off the list in Shanghai. We have anxiously been waiting for the location to open in Shanghai and if all continues to go as planned we should be welcoming our community there on August 31st to get their first look at the Tourbillon 1 and be a part of our Concierge Experience there. Although we will close our global online and retail sales for Tourbillon 1 on September 1st at midnight central European time, we feel it is only fair to allow those connecting with our Shanghai concierge some additional time after the deadline as we have done with all our supporters to date and what many of you have encouraged us to do.
Tourbillon 1 Pre-Order Closes September 1st, 2021 24:00 CET (midnight)
After reconciliation of all orders and the window for any cancellations has passed we will announce the final number of this single edition Tourbillon 1 watch at Septembers end.
What about Tourbillon $1
For those of you who have taken part or are still thinking of taking a chance on Tourbillon $1 you have till August 31st at 18:00 CET. There are three prototypes up for grabs and although just three will win we have a little thank you for everyone that takes part.
Tourbillon $1 entries close August 31st @18:00CET
After the entry closes we must prepare for the 1 of 3 prototype draw and have tentatively planned for Sunday September 12th. We will keep you posted via email for the official draw details. When time allows in September we will meet with ZeitZentrum to bring them a nice donation cheque and work with them to help support some watchmakers to further their training.
With so many exciting things on the go it's been challenging to keep this post short.
Thank you again to each and everyone of you.
As always feel free to reach out in the comments.
Till next time…
Landon Stirling
Since the second longest timeline is chronometer certification, does that mean that those who did not go for COSC certification may get the watch sooner?
I am thrilled to be a small part of an exciting, imaginative, and amazingly ambitious company and wish Landon and the principals all the best of success. I know this is just the beginning!
Hi Landon and team!
Many thanks for the update and congrats to the team for bringing this project home.
I had missed the $1 draw but will happily partake and support the future generation!
Greetings to the team in Biel!
Wonderful news Landon, I am rooting for you guys
Cheers from Sweden