We hope all of you and your families are well and safe at this time. Over the past few weeks life in every corner of the globe has seen some radical changes. Here in Central Europe we are staying home to ensure that our elderly or those with compromised immune systems stay safe. For us at HORAGE we have worked together remotely for a very long time, however there still are a few adjustments needed to be made to this new way of living.
It’s without surprise that we have had to postpone our watch events for this spring where we hoped to connect with many of you. So many have said they were going to join, however we will just have to meet a little further down the road. Due to our inability to travel we have decided to extend the pre-order timeline until May 1st. However case number selection will not be available after April 1st as that was a primary driver for our early supporters to purchase early.
As always we are available to answer any question you might have either here, via email or on our social channels. All this time at home can be a little boring so why not spend some time talking watches 😉

Another update we have is our case back. The other week we had posted that we would be having to update the case back both for COSC certified and non-COSC certified watches. We were already working remotely at that time and we had a communication breakdown on what exactly was allowable on the COSC certified case back. Having discussed this with COSC we were informed we would not be able to write “COSC Certified” as we had originally hoped. However we could use “Chronometer Certified” as a few of you suggested and this is the naming we have now placed in production for the final COSC certified tourbillon case back.

For the regular case back we have include ADJ. 5 POS. +6/-4 SEC which meets COSC level accuracy within our own watchmaking facility in Biel, Switzerland.

Furthermore we have ran into a small obstacle with regards to the case back number. We had in our samples T000/000 as pictured on the case backs above, however we do not know the final number that will be produced and we do not want to guess as to the amount as a guess would mean we would have to over estimate rather than under. We could wait till all pre-orders are collected however we would not be able to complete the watches until December and that is too long to keep you waiting. We only want to produce what we receive from orders and to get your watches to you as soon as we can.
Our suggestion is to engrave “One Edition TXXX”. As and example, should you receive number 17 your case would then read “One Edition T017”. We will of course communicate the final number of watches produced when production is completed.
This past Saturday we were live on Instagram and had a great time walking everyone through our watch collection. This week we will be going live again and look forward to connecting with whoever is able to join in on the fun.
Until next time, stay home and healthy so we can all get out and see one another in the future months to come.
Landon Stirling
I do not want to be a naysayer, but what is the point of Switzerland on the case back when the very same view gives you "Swiss made" on the movement? I realize they needn't be both made in Switzerland but frankly the movement is key and I think you are well enough established that you needn't worry about multiple identifications. Doesn't that sort of undermine your significance? A $1000 Kickstarter watch may need that but you clearly do not. You need not inscribe every possible inch. I think less is more in your case as it implies you are a known entity.
Hi, is there any further update on the case back design?
Very reluctantly going to have to back away from this watch simply due to the economic uncertainly of the next six months. Wish you all the very best with the project, both Horage and backers of the tourbillon. Would have loved to have partaken of this project. Can only hope you'll roll out something even more spectacular in less turbulent times in the future. Chronometer chronograph perhaps? :-)
Fully agree with the above suggestions! I would support Swiss Made instead of Switzerland, 10 ATM instead of 100M and remove the first 0 for single or double digit numbers for the serial number!
Other than that, great update thanks!
Is it appropriate to have Swiss Made instead of Switzerland?
The adjustment positions for standard casing looks weird to me. Perhaps. it could replace with Sapphire as the caseback should be Sapphire crystal right?
As for 100m water resistant, may I suggest a consideration to use 10 ATM?
I think it would be nicer without the front zeros for single or double digits numbers.
Sorry to have made so many suggestions in my first post.
I had a great time in the Instagram live event last Saturday! Thank you for host the online event!
looking forward to the live chat again. I think it works very well
Thanks for the update. Sorry but personally I think it looks awkward to compress the fonts 'chronometer certified' and squeeze them into the limited space? Is it not possible to use just 'chronometer' without the word 'certified'? As I have seen it on many other brands. Or maybe use smaller fonts for all the words on the case back so that at least it looks more consistent/balance with one font size and style.
Great suggestion. Stay apart, stay safe and stay well.