2020 has been a wild ride so far and one that we all would like to get off of soon. Its fair to say that every one of our lives has been affected by the COVID-19. Each day I speak wth friends, family, media partners and folks from a broad spectrum of industries and all are affected some more than others with only limited sectors fairing in the current climate.

There is light at the end of the tunnel and that light is where we must all keep our focus in these times. At HORAGE we are still very much moving forward and optimistic about the times post COVID-19. Unfortunately we have had to re-evaluate the challenges we face with our second pre-order round. Initially we planned for June 1st 2020 as the start to the second pre-order as it would coincide with our brand launch in China and we would have traveled extensively throughout Europe and North America. Since February only a few in Scotland, Taipei and Singapore have been able to see our beloved tourbillon first hand and this leaves many undecided as to whether to support this project.

Our decision is to finish our first pre-order on May 1st and in doing so all orders that come in prior to May 1st from our online store will deliver in or before October 2020.

However we will keep the pre-order open for two more weeks for customers visiting DXM Watch in Taipei as they only recently received samples to show to their clientele. As well, Taiwan is one of the only countries at the moment able to manage COVID-19 effectively and therefore DXM Watch has its doors open to the public.
In June/July we will be launching HORAGE in China and will be offering a WeChat only online pre-order for mainland China based customers. Due to the inability of our Chinese customers to access our website we are making this order possible for them.

After our China launch our second pre-order will be postponed to at least October 2020 as we have read that the external borders to the EU will remain closed until September. Internal border openings will come earlier to the EU, however some countries will remain closed such as France until the years end. This means we could see the second pre-order take place closer to the New Year with delivery at the end of Quarter 1, 2021, but hopefully earlier if things turn around quicker than anticipated.
Currently we just have to be flexible and do what is possible and in the best time frame for the community.

Therefore if you are on the fence about a tourbillon and would like a tourbillon this year then we strongly suggest purchasing yours prior to May 1st. For all other orders we hope to be traveling as soon as humanly possible and will announce the next tourbillon pre-order round as soon as there is a clear picture as to when borders will open again.
Till next time…
Landon Stirling
Unprecedented times in which optimism is very important and a precious virtue. Lets keep economy and life going. Perhaps the good thing about this crisis is that we value freedom stronger again.