It was really great to see how many of the Horage community as well as new members to Horage who took part in donating for Ukraine.

We can't all be winners of the watch, but when it comes to donations together we all formed a team working towards the common goal of helping those who need it most. Team Horage succeeded and over $30,000 USD was raised and donated. In total we purchased 40,000 Euro (approx. 43,000 USD) of food via CrowdFarming. The food has already been packed and has left for Poland where it will be distributed to the Food Bank Žywności, World Central Kitchen and Caritas Leżajsk.

Horage food packed and waiting on the forklift.

In the truck and ready for the long journey to Poland.
Isabela and the team at CrowdFarming sent us a nice thank you message to you all for the support as well as share a couple images of the Horage food labeled in the warehouse and in the back of the truck ready for its 3,300 kilometre trip.
The Watch Winners
From 833 donors there would be just 6 drawn as the winners of the prototype Supersede watch. The final draw took place on YouTube Live on Saturday April 9th and we had a lot of fun with the show and interacting with all that could join in. It took us a little while to get to the draw portion of the show so for those of you that would like to see the live draw you can jump ahead to the 30 minute mark in the below video.
In the end we had quite a dispersed group of winners with the UK taking the top spot for most winners. We tried to call a few of the winners on the show and managed to get ahold of Richard who Andi recognized as a previous Tourbillon 1 customer. It was wonderful to hear his excitement. If you jump to the 49:40 section of the video you can listen in on the call.
To ensure the winners privacy we have only announced the first name, country and order number.
Congratulations to the winners!!
The winners will be receiving their watches in early 2023. Case markings on the back are marked with SG0000 as production run watches start with SG0001 and go up from there.
All winners have now been contacted via email and have all replied back.
One of the Stevens and Richard we reached by phone. Below are some snippets from the winners responses.
Steven - Wow!! Thanks incredible!! I’m super excited!! Never thought I’d win - I’ve never won anything before lol.
Eckart - I can‘t believe it. There is no way, this is real. I‘m totally speechless.
Shin - Thank you so much for letting me know the happy news. I am thrilled to be one of the lucky ones.
Ian - Literally just jumped on the sofa and celebrated! What an amazing fundraiser and I CANNOT wait to see the Supersede.
It feels great reading the reactions. Likewise it felt great to see how the Horage community banded together and donated to those who need it most. Thank you to all who donated and congrats to the Supersede winners!
Live Streams & Forum
Andi and myself are having a blast with the live streams, so much so we decided to make it a weekly occurrence. Currently we plan to be live every Thursday at 18:00 CET. Join us this Thursday April 21st @18:00CET for the next live steam.
And for those that enjoy the forum Erik has been working on some new stories to share and I will be providing some updates on Supersede as well as Tourbillon 1.
Let us know in the comments if there is anything you would like to see covered in a future post.
Till next time...
Landon Stirling
Good job HORAGE.Keep up the good work.I hope to win the next ones.Congrats to the lucky ones.Wear them in good health